So, for example, talismans and amulets can protect their masters from the evil eye, damage, slander, attracts good luck, love, money and so on the Production are engaged in magical wizards and healers, but their services are expensive, which is why today more and more people to think about how to make a mascot with his own hands. Usually people with the help of amulets, trying to achieve to attract into your life a large amount of money, and also success in business and family well-being.

Who and what is a mascot?
Many of the current stars of the musical theatre, actors, politicians and famous athletes use lucky charms as one of the means to achieve success and protection against misfortune. So, some people believe in the power of his pendant-a talisman, and some of the singer carries everywhere your favorite amulet – emerald. It is certain, that this stone helps her build a harmonious relationship with her husband and strengthens the family. And in this the singer is not fine. Amulets really have the property to perceive, process, acquire and emit energy, based on which they acquire their unique properties.
However, it is not just precious stones and jewelry are still the favorite mascots of the stars. Fatal seductress and the main heartbreaker – Miley Cyrus as the little girl falls asleep every night in his hand with a pink teddy bear, assuming that it is his best charm. Patricia Kaas is also a lover of soft toys (however, as well as millions of women around the world). His teddy bear, picks up on all without exception the tour and even dedicated him a song.
From what and how to make talismans?
As a material for the creation of magical talismans for good luck can be used absolutely any objects, but most often for these purposes use jewelry (basically like an amulet used by the ring), expensive and carpentry, of wood, stones (turquoise, carnelian, bull's eye, amethyst, Jasper, onyx, etc.), mussels and clams, small household objects (hairpins, hair clips, watches, keys, buckle),products made of cardboard, wood and clay (clay figurines, dolls), products made of textiles (embroidered scarves, laces and threads, bound in a special way, and so on).
The production of amulets deal, are usually those people who are not hearsay know about the existence of various magical phenomena, about the cycle of energy and methods of discrete impact on the people and events – these people magicians, medicine men, healers, mages and a Warlock. They only know about how to make the talisman properly, in order to have maximum efficiency, and helped his master in the solution of those or other life tasks.
In the creation of these magical items takes into account all the smallest details: the period of the year and the number of months, place, and time of day, date of birth and zodiac signs of the future owner, the color scheme and the special characteristics of the materials, from which is produced the amulet. The production of this amulet will rob the magician is quite a lot of time and forces, in consequence of which it is worth this service is not cheap. Therefore, many people today are asking about how to make a talisman with their hands , without realizing that the very process of creating this powerful talisman is a complex ritual that requires compliance with a clear action sequences.

In production, the magic of a magician performs the "lecture" on that special amulets and charms, which help to subsidize the selected object with the right properties intangible nature of things. In addition, a real "professional" geek pumps magic focus the necessary energies (breathes into him, the forces of the elements, is the "anchor" to non-physical entities or operate their own biofield). So, for example, a talisman for good luck and wealth gains its force thanks to the "pumping" his energies of the fire element.
Each lucky charm is, in fact, to this "subject to" the forces of the man, for whom it is intended and which he always carries with him (meant to wear on each other and as close as possible to the body). Deliver him to yet greater efficiency master may cause the surface of such an amulet with special magic sign. These symptoms may be secret names of the magical patrons (angels, demons, spirits of the elements, etc.), runes (magical symbols of the ancient alphabet, used by the peoples of Northern Europe), symbols of the Gods and the elements.
How to make a talisman, attracting good luck alone?
If you're not too much do you know about magic and you still decide to make love, or postal mascot with his hands, then use our tips. Read this article carefully, and then you will be clear how to make the talisman yourself. Do not rush and exactly follow all instructions. Errors in the manufacture of amulets, can cause, that your own-made amulet will be ineffective, either starts to work, they are not beneficial for you, and vice versa for the damage, attracted foreign to your energy field energy flows from the Universe.
The production of magical personally in addition to the obvious shortcomings (to which it applies, first of all, your lack of professionalism in this area), also has a lot of positive moments. Firstly, that the amulet on your own, you can nourish his own energy, which can be the better it fits you, and well digested its energy structures. Secondly, it is guaranteed that you make your lucky charm as you want to see (comfortable in all respects). And third, you save on trips to the specified a whole lot of time and money.
Getting started to create a mascot, decide with those objectives, to achieve which it is intended. If this is the amulet for good luck, or draws the money, then do not be lazy to pick up for him a suitable material for the production of, and decide with the color and applied on its outer side of the insignia.
The most basic are talismans, made from clay, wood, cardboard, paper and related threads. For talisman for good luck will suit a small piece of wood, which will be possible to apply the desired shape, color to gold, or white color, and then apply on its surface the relevant symbols of success and wealth.
A very powerful natural forces are natural stones talismans, which are compared according to the signs of the zodiac.

Another option home-made amulet can become a pendant from the normal coins. To build it yourself, you will need to pick up a big and beautiful coin, as well as the entire piece of plastic that will be slightly larger in diameter. Using quick-drying glue attach the coin to a piece of plastic so as to on top of the coins remained a gap of plastic, in which you will have to make a small hole. In the received aperture you will have a strong thread and tie its ends so as to be "pendant on a shoestring".
Then, what your mascot will be ready, it is advisable to perform meditation on money, or simply to take in hand his amulet, holding it between the palms, the representation of your goal, or the task for which it was created mascot. Imagine the appropriate energy of your wish flows through your hands and fill with me the talisman, dropped out far beyond its edges, and creates around the magical things a special energy field. Use this trick, you can charge your talisman, and make it more effective.